It seems that everyone is talking about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), but what exactly is it?
In generic terms, it is a concept that organizations, and many corporations practice. Being of such size and establishment, they have an obligation to consider the interests of customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and ecological considerations in all aspects of their operations. This obligation is seen to extend beyond their statutory
obligation to comply with legislation.
You can say that CSR is closely linked with the
principles of Sustainable Development, which argues
that enterprises should make decisions based not
only on financial factors such as profits or dividends, but also based on the immediate and long-term social
and environmental consequences of their activities.
So, what exactly has this got to do with ObTech? - Well, simply because we, ObTech, is a part of NEC!
NEC, being a globally recognized establishment aspires to play a part in enriching society by delivering
innovation through its business activities. They are deeply aware that their business activities are premised on
relationships with many stakeholders, including customers, shareholders and other investors, business
partners, the community at large and employees.
CSR at NEC means achieving sustainable growth together with society by earning the trust of all stakeholders
as they have created and provided value through a diverse array of business activities.